Panier info -
DCD Suicide Survivor Support Services
Program/Service of : Distress Centre Durham (DCD)
If you are a suicide survivor (if you've lost someone to suicide), don't travel this painful road alone.Join us on our journey of grief and recovery. Register for our call-out program or come and share your grief, your memories, your fears and even a few tears as together, we learn how to cope with life as we now know it... without our loved ones.

To be eligible:
-must be 18 or older
-the loss must have been atleast 6 months prior to start of group
-you myst pre-register by contacting Victoria at Distress Centre Durham: (905) 430-3511
306 Brock
Whitby, ON, L1H 4H7 Map
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
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Dernière modification 1 Mar 2012
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