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1. Understand factors behind why people experience medication adverse effects
2. Review principles behind side effect monitoring
3. Understand strategies for managing medication side effects
4. Empower youth, caregivers and clinicians to mitigate side effect impacts
Target Audience: Anyone who helps monitor the experience of medication prescribing to children/youth, including allied health professionals, case workers, physicians, CAS and residential workers, youth and parents.
Nom de l'événement
#SideEffects_ WhyMeAgain?: Psychotropic Medication Side Effects in Pediatric Mental Health Presented by Dr. Ajit Ninan, Pediatric Psychiatrist & Joel Lamoure, Pharmacist
Fourni par: Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI)
Date et l'heure
Thu Apr 4 to thu 4 apr 2019
(Cet événement est terminé)
9:00 - 4:00pm
Description de l'évenement
The purpose of this workshop is to provide practical, case-based evidence informed strategies for managing the child or youth who is experiencing side effects with mental health medications. This presentation will be in an open forum format, and address different classes of medications and alternative strategies to mitigate adverse effects.Goals:
1. Understand factors behind why people experience medication adverse effects
2. Review principles behind side effect monitoring
3. Understand strategies for managing medication side effects
4. Empower youth, caregivers and clinicians to mitigate side effect impacts
Target Audience: Anyone who helps monitor the experience of medication prescribing to children/youth, including allied health professionals, case workers, physicians, CAS and residential workers, youth and parents.
Plus d'information
519-858-2774 x5554
1-877-494-2774 x5554 (Sans frais)
2019 Workshops Summary Public.pdf
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Dernière modification 23 Nov 2018