Ottawa-Carleton, ON
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Régions rurales et éloignées

Jeff McCrossin
A tutorial that helps you explore possible stressors in your life, and provides suggestions of how to deal with them.
US National Library of Medicine: National Institutes of Health
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Fondé en 1998, SAFERA est un organisme francophone dont la mission est centrée sur la prévention du syndrome d’alcoolisation fœtale (SAF) et la réponse aux besoins des personnes atteintes. Ressources: site Internet, groupe de soutien pour parents francophones, livre Enfants de l'alcool, affiches, dépliants, DVD, consultations téléphoniques, formations.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
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