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Participants in the program are expected to develop:
-Knowledge about anxiety conditions
-An understanding of the impact of nutrition and
stress on symptoms of anxiety
-Self-management techniques including deep
breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and
mindfulness techniques
-An understanding of how automatic thoughts,
unconscious rules / beliefs, and thinking styles
contribute to anxiety
-Effective communication skills
-The ability to use graduated exposure to reduce
symptoms of anxiety
-Goal setting and follow-through
-Positive coping strategies to replace negative
coping strategies
-Assertiveness skills (i.e., setting boundaries,
constructive criticism)
-An ability to cope with setbacks and plateaus
Nom de l'événement
Anxiety Management Workshop (West End)
S'il vous plait choisir
For: Grand public
Fourni par: Anxiety Disorders Association of Ontario
Date et l'heure
Wed Nov 21, 2012 to wed 20 mar 2013
(Every week on mer.)
(Cet événement est terminé)
18:30 to 21:00
Description de l'évenement
The ADAO 14-Week Anxiety Management Workshop is a structured educational workshop, the focus of which is on providing participants with tools and information to assist them in managing their symptoms of anxiety.Participants in the program are expected to develop:
-Knowledge about anxiety conditions
-An understanding of the impact of nutrition and
stress on symptoms of anxiety
-Self-management techniques including deep
breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and
mindfulness techniques
-An understanding of how automatic thoughts,
unconscious rules / beliefs, and thinking styles
contribute to anxiety
-Effective communication skills
-The ability to use graduated exposure to reduce
symptoms of anxiety
-Goal setting and follow-through
-Positive coping strategies to replace negative
coping strategies
-Assertiveness skills (i.e., setting boundaries,
constructive criticism)
-An ability to cope with setbacks and plateaus
Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any
endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in
which they are received.
Dernière modification 4 Oct 2012