Montérégie, QC
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Troubles de santé mentale A-Z

"The Mind's the Matter"
A series of web-based, interactive videos for CF families who may be living with someone who has an Operational Stress Injury (OSI). With both a video for teens, and a separate for spouses, the videos provide real life solutions for spouses and teens coping with a difficult situation.
Military Family Services and the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada).
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource:
(Teen) Mental Health Literacy
Website providing information and resources about teen mental health. Formerly known as Teen Mental Health with Dr. Stan Kutcher and colleagues.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
A Manual of Promising Suicide Prevention Strategies
This manual has been written for people who want to develop and implement suicide prevention programs. The authors have done their best to present this information in a positive, culturally respectful and straightforward way. Take what you can, modify it so it is more likely to work for you. It is important to note that this manual is only able to focus on the first important stage of addressing the suicide problem: prevention. It is hoped that future manuals might address later stages such as crisis management, treatment, and postvention.
Centre for Suicide Prevention
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Alzheimer Society Canada
General information on dementia for adults living with dementia or individuals living with someone affected by the disease.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Antidepressant Skills at Work: Dealing with Mood Problems in the Workplace
A self-care manual to help employees and businesses cope with depression and mood problems at work. People can use it to identify whether they are experiencing depression or depressed mood, and apply practical strategies to reduce effects on work satisfaction and performance.
BC Mental Health and Addiction Services (BCMHAS)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
AnxietyCanada Youth
Youth friendly website about anxiety.
Anxiety Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Excellent resources on various anxiety disorders, as well as specific disorders such as Generalized Anxiety, Specific Phobia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive-compulsive disorder and Panic Disorders.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Around the Dinner Table
Support forum for parents and caregivers of anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorder patients. Sponsored by FEAST, organization of parents serving parents and caregivers of patients of all ages with eating disorders.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Association Autrement pour un autre regard sur son poids
Informer le public sur la prévention et les traitements de l’anorexie, de la boulimie et des compulsions sévères.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Association québécoise des troubles d'apprentissage
Ressource francophone sur les troubles alimentaires.
Association québécoise des troubles d'apprentissage
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc. Website
American, parent-led organization supporting families of attachment-disordered and traumatized children. Services include: * Training at adoption conferences * On-line support communities * Database of worldwide therapists and resources
Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc.
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Attachment Association of Canada website
National organization promoting education about attachment issues. Website has information about child attachment, adult attachment, sections for professionals and parents, as well as events and conferences about attachment.
Attachment Association of Canada
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Attachment Network of Manitoba website
The Attachment Network of Manitoba is a multi-organizational committee that is comprised of representatives from various sectors, including health, justice, education, and social services, who are interested in promoting and enhancing secure attachment across the life span. Website features include: * Blog * Videos * Events * Information for parents * Information for professionals
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)
International, virtual, volunteer-run organization with Information, resources, networking opportunities for adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults
Article from CMHA, BC Division.
CMHA, BC Division.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Autism Parent Resource Kit
The Government of Ontario's Autism Parent Resource Kit can help you navigate the services, supports and programs that may be available to you.
Government of Ontario
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Autism Physician Handbook
Autism Physician Handbook has over 100 illustrations showing the common characteristics of autism in toddlers, comes complete with the CHAT Checklist, a visual guide to behavioural symptoms and a comprehensive listing of provincial, national, and international websites and resources.
Help Autism Now Society
L'audience: Public (
Autosoins 101
Prendre soin de soi joue un rôle important dans le bien-être et est d’autant plus important lorsque nous traversons des moments difficiles et stressants dans notre vie.
School Mental Health Ontario
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Bebé en santé cerveau en santé
Site éducatif avec diverses vidéos sur enfant en bonne santé et développement de l'enfant pour futurs et nouveaux parents. Les vidéos comprennent: * Commencez tôt * L'amour nourrit le cerveau * Le jeu nourrit le cerveau * La santé nourrit le cerveau * Un entourage sain est important
Meilleur départ
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: , Websites including blogs, support forums
Beyond the Blues: Child and Youth Depression
Documentary about depression, available free on streaming video. "Statistics reveal that depression in children and youth is on the rise. In fact, it has increased by one-third in the past 30 years. Untreated depression costs a teenager in many ways: lost educational opportunities, lost social opportunities and lost time. Through the personal stories of three young people, this compelling documentary traces the journey of depression, from early signs and symptoms, to assessment, diagnosis and treatment. The documentary also helps shatter some stereotypes. 2004, 56 min 30 s Directed by Maureen Palmer Produced by Sharon Bartlett Maria LeRose"
Knowledge Network Corporation
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource:
The National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder (NEA-BPD), is a non-profit organization staffed by volunteering consumers, family members, and professionals, and seeks to advance the BPD agenda.
National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Site web très complet sur les différents aspects de la maladie: description, conseils, questions les plus fréquentes, présentation des thérapies, témoignanges, vidéos, etc.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Building Mentally Healthy Workplaces: Perspectives of Canadian Workers and Front-Line Managers
Building Mentally Healthy Workplaces: Perspectives of Canadian Workers and Front-Line Managers provides a national perspective from working Canadians on their work environment and the degree to which it supports their mental well-being. The report highlights the workplace challenges faced by employees with mental health issues, and provides insight into how employers can best support these employees.
Conference Board of Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books website's purpose is to prevent bullying in our society through education and awareness. We provide educational programs and resources to individuals, families, educational institutions and organizations. We make available online learning and educational resources in order to help people deal effectively and positively with the act of bullying and its long-lasting negative consequences.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Bullying: I'm careful
Informations sur l'intimidation de la Ville de Montréal adapté pour les enfants et les jeunes.
Ville de Montréal
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Download: bullying.pdf
Download: intimidation.pdf
Bullying: Information for Parents and Teachers
Information about bullying from the Centre for children and families in the justice system.
Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
CADDAC (Centre for ADHD Awareness, Canada)
CADDAC is a national, not-for-profit, organization providing leadership and support in awareness, education and advocacy for ADHD organizations and individuals across Canada.
CADDAC (Centre for ADHD Awareness, Canada)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
CAMESA Guidelines
The Canadian Alliance for Monitoring Effectiveness and Safety of Antipsychotics in Children (CAMESA) guidelines provide parents and doctors with information about the side effects of antipsychotic drugs in children.
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Can we talk
Website providing mental health information, sponsored sponsored by the Alberta Teachers' Association.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Canadian Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Resource Alliance (CADDRA)
Offers resources for physicians, educators and parents on understanding and helping people with ADHD.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Canadian Guidelines on Auditory Processing Disorder in Children and Adults
Clinical practice guidelines on Auditory Processing Disorder in Children and Adults.
Canadian Interorganizational Steering Group for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Practice guidelines
Canadian Safe School Network (CSSN)
National, not-for-profit, registered charitable organization with a mandate to reduce youth violence and make our schools and communities safer.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
CanChild Centre for Childhood Disablity Research website
Information about DCD (developmental coordination disorder).
CanChild Centre for Childhood Disablity Research website
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Website that provides educational videos about eating disorders for parents/caregivers of children/youth with an eating disorder.
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Centre of Knowledge on Healthy Child Development
The Centre of Knowledge on Healthy Child Development has information on various disorders, behaviour problems, and life circumstances that can have a significant impact on children’s health and well-being.
Offord Centre for Child Studies
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
American, non-profit, parent-run organization with chapters throughout the USA that provides: * Support and education for those with ADHD, for those who care for them. * Sponsors workshops, presentations and conferences on the latest breakthroughs and techniques involved in dealing with ADHD.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
CHOICE-D Patient and Family Guide to Depression Treatment
Written in lay language, our intention is to empower individuals to understand treatment options and to engage in conversations about treatment options with their health care providers.
Mood Disorders Association of Ontario (MDAO) and CANMAT
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Choix éclairés pour traiter la dépression
Le groupe de recherche Mobiliser les esprits a mené des entretiens, des groupes de discussion et des sondages pour apprendre ce que les gens aux prises avec une dépression cherchaient comme renseignements.
Mobiliser les esprits a mené des entretiens
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Circle of Security website
The Circle of Security is a relationship based early intervention program designed to enhance attachment security between parents and children. Decades of university-based research have confirmed that secure children exhibit increased empathy, greater self-esteem, better relationships with parents and peers, enhanced school readiness, and an increased capacity to handle emotions more effectively when compared with children who are not secure.
Cirlce of Security International
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media is an independent source of media recommendations and advice for families.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Coping with Suicidal Thoughts: A Resource for Patients
Coping with Suicidal Thoughts is intended for individuals who are currently experiencing suicidal ideation and/or have had a plan or made an attempt to hurt themselves. The document is designed to offer resources, information, support, and practical steps to help cope with suicidality.
Simon Fraser University
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Download: CopingWithSuicidalThoughts.pdf
Darkness Calls
A suicide prevention comic book created by the Healthy Aboriginal Network, a BC-incorporated non-profit society. It's the story of a teenager who is bullied at school, misunderstood by his teacher and feels socially isolated from his family. He finds one day very overwhelming and considers taking his own life. Youth find Darkness Calls non-threatening and relatable, so it's a terrific ice breaker to get them talking about how they feel. Cost is contingent on amount ordered, please visit the website for more information.
The Healthy Aboriginal Network
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Dealing with Depression: Antidepressant Skills for Teens
Self-help toolkit gives information on depression and offers skills to fight against depression.
BC Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Informations sur la démence, les causes, les symptômes, les complications ainsi que le traitement et la prévention.
Santé Canoe
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Depression Quest
Depression Quest is an interactive fiction game where you play as someone living with depression. You are given a series of everyday life events and have to attempt to manage your illness, relationships, job, and possible treatment. This game aims to show other sufferers of depression that they are not alone in their feelings, and to illustrate to people who may not understand the illness the depths of what it can do to people.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Depression: A Guide for Teens
Information for the causes and effects on teenage depression and strategies to cope with depression.
Center for Young Women's Health
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums est un site gratuit qui explique aux parents comment accompagner leurs enfants chagrinés par la mort prochaine ou le décès d’un être cher. Il aide les parents à trouver les bons mots et la confiance nécessaire pour aider leurs enfants à vivre sainement leur deuil.
Portail palliatif Canadien
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Website from the Fraser Health Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) Program. The site promotes early detection, educates about psychosis and provides direction for seeking help.
Fraser Health
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Eating Disorders Association, Inc.
The website of the Eating Disorders Association in Australia has information about eating disorders for parents and professionals. Resources for professionals include "Eating Disorders: An Information Pack for General Practitioners".
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Practice guidelines, Websites including blogs, support forums
Educator's Guide to the Military Child During Deployment
This is a guide for educators working with children and youth in military families.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Enfants transgenres offre des ressources pour soutenir les enfants créatifs dans le genre et leur famille, à l’école et dans la communauté. En offrant de l’information et des opportunités de réseautage pour les parents, tuteurs, enseignants, éducateurs, professionnels de la santé, chercheurs, activistes et jeunes à travers le Canada, nous espérons contribuer à transformer le monde en un espace sécuritaire, valorisant et agréable pour tous les enfants.
Enfants transgenres canada
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Practice guidelines, Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Erase Bullying
Information about bullying for parents, youth and policy makers.
British Columbia Ministry of Education
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: , Websites including blogs, support forums
Être parent à Ottawa
Information sur la santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance.
Santé publique Ottawa
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Families Empowered & Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders
Online resource with information for parents and caregivers on how to support a loved one with an eating disorder.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Families in Transition, 2nd ed.
Incredible resource guide for families of transgender youth.
Central Toronto Youth Services (CTYS)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Download: CTYS-FIT-Families-in-Transition-Guide-2nd-edition.pdf
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the Justice System
Website designed as a resource for justice system professionals and others who are grappling to understand FASD with case law, legal resources, background information, and practical tips close at hand. Developed by the FASD Ontario Justice Committee, and funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
FASD Ontario Justice Committee
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Fighting Their Fears: Child and Youth Anxiety
Streaming video version of documentary about anxiety. Anxiety motivates us to get things done, but for some people, anxiety is not a driver. For many children, anxiety disrupts everyday life, interfering with their ability to make friends or go to school. Through interviews with experts and three young people, this compelling documentary outlines the causes, symptoms and treatments for anxiety disorders and emphasizes the importance of early identification and intervention. In all of these stories there is hope. 2004, 56 min 31 s
Knowledge Network Corporation
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource:
Fresh Start
Reference guide created for women who are dealing with violence or abuse and want to know about what their options are and what they can do.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Fresh Start
Written for women dealing with violence or abuse in their personal lives, Fresh Start™ supports women as they assess their options by detailing the dynamics and likely consequences of domestic violence. This easy-to-use-and-understand reference guide helps to create a detailed safety plan, mapping out steps for women to achieve security, wellness and economic independence. Copies can be downloaded as a *.pdf file from the website, or hard copies can be ordered as well.
YWCA Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Getting Your Children to School When They Refuse to Go
Cheryl Gilbert MacLeod, Ph.D., Registered Psychologist, gives a talk on how to get you child to school when they refuse to go.
IWK Health Centre (Children's Hospital)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource:
GI Kids
Excellent website with information including videos about a variety of GI conditions.
North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
This website is for guys into guys (G2G) — gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, or men who have sex with men. It is a place for G2G to learn and build curiosity about the mental health issues affecting their communities and to help them locate mental health services in Ontario.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Guide des aidants en santé mentale
Santé publique Ottawa (SPO) s'est associée avec l'Association canadienne pour la santé mentale (ACSM), l'Association canadienne de santé publique (ACSP), Services aux familles des militaires (SFM), et Mental Illness Caregivers Association (MICA) afin d'élaborer une ressource nationale pour les proches aidants canadiens d'enfants, de jeunes, d'adultes et de personnes âgées vivant avec une maladie mentale ou aux prises avec un trouble de santé mentale à ces problèmes.
Santé publique Ottawa (SPO)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Guide pratique sur les droits en santé mentale
Le Guide pratique sur les droits en santé mentale a été conçu à l’intention des membres de la famille et de l’entourage des personnes ayant des problèmes de santé mentale, et vise principalement à les informer sur des questions d’ordre juridique et à répondre à leurs préoccupations à cet égard. Le guide a été mis à jour en 2009 en fonction des modifications apportées à la Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux et s'inscrit en continuité des orientations du Plan d'action en santé mentale 2005-2010 – La force des liens en ce qui a trait à la promotion, au respect et à la protection des droits des utilisateurs de services de santé mentale.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Guide Sur la Psychose à l'Intention des Frères et Soeurs
Ce guide de ressources intéressera particulièrement les frères et sœurs de personnes qui traversent un premier épisode psychotique. Nous espérons également qu’il sera utile à d’autres personnes, comme les parents, amis et fournisseurs de soins de personnes atteintes, en les aidant à mieux comprendre les défis auxquels se heurtent les frères et sœurs, membres souvent oubliés de l’entourage immédiat.
Association Canadienne Pour La Santé Mentale
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Habilo Médias
Centre canadien pour l'éducation numérique et médiatique, qui offre des conseils aux parents et aux professionnels sur la façon d'utiliser les médias numériques Financé par des sociétés privées, notamment Telus, l'ACEI, Bell, Facebook, Google, TekSavvy, Wattpad, Bell Media.
Media Smarts
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Heads Up Guys
Website that provides information about Men's Depression, along with strategies for managing and preventing depression.
University of British Columbia (UBC)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Psychosis can be treated, early detection helps, and recovery is expected. The Early Psychosis Intervention Ontario Network (EPION) provides support, information, and care for people suffering from psychosis.
Early Psychosis Intervention Ontario Network (EPION)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Helping Children Cope with Anxiety and Fears
April Sullivan, M.A. Psychology, from the IWK Children's Hospital in Halifax, NS gives a talk on strategies for parents to help their child cope with anxiety and fears. Available for free streaming online.
IWK Children's Hospital
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource:
Homepage: IWK Mental Health and Addictions
Organization webpage
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Information about post-partum depression from the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA).
Association canadienne pour la santé mentale
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Infant Mental Health Promotion (IMHP) website
An independently run, not for profit organization operating within the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The goal of IMHP is to promote the development of infants (0-3) through education, information dissemination, networking and advocacy.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Informations sur le TOC
Informations sur le TOC.
Fondation Québécoise pour le Trouble Obsessionnel-Compulsif
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Informe-toi: Intimidation
Informations sur l'intimidation sur le site de Tel-Jeunes. Le service Tel-jeunes est une ressource gratuite, confidentielle et accessible 24 heures/7 jours pour tous les enfants et les jeunes du Québec.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Intimidation (site web)
Informations sur l'intimidation de KidsHelpPhone.
Kids Help Phone
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Iris the Dragon Books
Iris the Dragon is a charity which creates educational material for adults and young readers to help facilitate a conversation between parents, teachers and children about issues relating to mental health and wellness. Materials are targetted for parents, teachers, educators as well as employee health.
Iris the Dragon (Charity)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Jeff McCrossin
A tutorial that helps you explore possible stressors in your life, and provides suggestions of how to deal with them.
US National Library of Medicine: National Institutes of Health
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Just Ask!
Guide for children and youth with siblings with mental illness.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Kelty Eating Disorders
Information from the Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre about Eating Disorders. Very helpful video for parents about how to support their loved ones with an eating disorders during meal times.
Kelty Resource Centre
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Kids Can Cope: Parenting Resilient Children at Home and at School
How to help your children be resilient, which is the combination of skills and attributes so that one can solve problems, cope with challenges and bounce back from disappointments.
Psychology Foundation of Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Download: Resilience-Children-.Booklet.pdf
Kids Matter
The KidsMatter Primary information resources, designed for parents/carers and school staff, contain detailed information on specific topics that fit within each of the four KidsMatter Primary components about children’s development and wellbeing. These resources are intended for use by adults. Click on the links below to go directly to the entire resource booklet for each component or to download specific information sheets.
Commonwealth of Australia
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
L'intimidation et la cyberintimidation site
Informations sur l'intimidation et la cyberintimidation, avec des ressources et des vidéos.
Gouvernment de la Nouvelle-Écosse
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: , Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
La schizophrénie: Description des symptômes et modèle de comportement à domicile
Cette brochure a pour but d’aider les parents, l’entourage d’une personne atteinte de schizophrénie à comprendre les symptômes de la maladie. Nous voulons suggérer des modèles de comportement face aux symptômes pour faciliter les relations, la compréhension entre la personne et ses proches. Cette brochure veut identifier les situations où la personne a besoin de votre aide et surtout de votre compréhension.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
LD Online
LD OnLine is an educational service of public television station WETA in Washington, D.C., USA, and provides a comprehensive website with information about LD's, including multimedia/videos, as well as sections for Educators, Parents and Kids.
Public television station WETA (Washington, DC)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: , Websites including blogs, support forums
Le temps d’écran et les médias numériques : des conseils aux parents d’enfants d’âge scolaire et d’adolescents
Conseils aux parents d’enfants d’âge scolaire et d’adolescents: Le temps d’écran et les médias numériques.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Les cliniques TSO
Où trouver les cliniques TSO au Canada. Les cliniques OSI assurent l'évaluation, le traitement, la prévention et le soutien.
Anciens combattants Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Website is intended as a resource for news, information and events concerning dementia and dementia research. It is part of a larger project called the Canadian Dementia Knowledge Translation Network (CDKTN), which promotes the translation of dementia research into products, services and information for persons with dementia and their families, as well as caregivers, health professionals, researchers and more.
Canadian Dementia Knowledge Translation Network
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Making Meals Meaningful
Making Meals Meaningful, a program sponsored by Maple Leaf Foods and Maple Leaf Prime®*, developed in partnership with UNICEF Canada and Dr. Karyn Gordon, features themed conversation starter cards that parents can use as a guide to address important and sometimes hard-to-discuss topics with their children. Cards are free and downloadable from the UNICEF Canada website. Mealtimes are a great opportunity for families to come together and share experiences that bring everyone closer together. Over the years, children’s relationships with their parents have changed dramatically. With smaller families coping with longer commutes, demands in the workplace, and social media playing a prominent role in children’s lives, there is a need for families to find innovative ways to connect and develop deeper relationships.
Unicef Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Map of the Mind Fields: Managing Adolescent Psychosis
Video about psychosis, a brain disorder where an individual experiences some loss of contact with reality. Symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, paranoia and disorganized thoughts and speech. Three people share their personal stories: Amanda, 16, Max, 12, and Tara, 18. 2004, 56 min 30 s Directed by Nijole Kuzmickas Produced by Sharon Bartlett Maria LeRose
Knowledge Network Corporation
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource:
Maudsley Parents
Website for parents of eating disordered children, who have helped their children recover using Family-Based Treatment, also known as the Maudsley approach, an evidence-based therapy for eating disorders.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: , Websites including blogs, support forums
Meilleur départ
Meilleur départ est le Centre de ressources sur la maternité, les nouveau-nés et le développement des jeunes enfants de l'Ontario. Il fait partie de Nexus Santé, un organisme bilingue de promotion de la santé qui travaille avec divers partenaires pour bâtir des communautés saines, équitables et prospères. Le centre de ressources Meilleur départ soutient les fournisseurs de services qui travaillent dans le domaine de la santé avant la conception, de la santé prénatale et du développement des jeunes enfants. Produit des ressources multimédias en plusieurs langues sur un large éventail de sujets * Offre des consultations, des formations et un développement professionnel aux prestataires de services.
Best Start Resource Centre
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Mental Health at Work…
Series of booklets which are aimed at raising awareness about the issue of "Mental Health at Work... From defining to Solving the Problem". Intended for everyone who wants to understand the issue and to become better equipped to prevent it. This series comes in the form of a kit made up of three booklets on the scope (Booklet1), causes (Booklet 2), and prevention (Booklet 3) of the problem.
University of Laval
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Mental Health Information from Santé et Services Sociaux Québec
The website from Santé et Services sociax Québec has useful information about mental health stigma, various mental health conditions, as well as where to get help in Quebec.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Online service to help you find the help you need for depression, anxiety, and other mental health and substance use conditions. This includes: * Local support groups and health services within Vancouver, Richmond, and Coastal communities * Online information pages and workbooks provided through BC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Information and other trusted BC sources * Self-help or supported self-help programs such as the BC Canadian Mental Health Association’s Bounce Back® Online (available without a doctor’s referral) * Valuable resources for friends and family members seeking information for their loved ones.
Vancouver Coastal Health/ Providence Health Care
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Mobile app, such as for iOS, Android, etc., , Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Started in 2000, MindMasters is a program that gives adults who work with or live with children, short, proven activities to do with children to help them learn positive living skills. Adults teach children all sorts of skills - tying their shoes, reading a book, riding a bike, cooking a meal. These practical skills help children to learn to manage the workd. There are other skills that children need to learn too. How to relax in a dentist's chair. How to channel feeling of anger so no one gets hurt. How to focus on a task to get it done. How to keep upbeat when life seems hard. We all need these skills to excel at living, to make the most of opportunities life offers to us. The program was created by Dr. Terry Orlick with the assistance of graduate students at the University of Ottawa and feedback from children, social workers, nurses, teachers and counsellors who have been doing the activities with children and evaluating their success for years. These positive-living skills activities have been assembled in the Mindmasters program and are being made available through the Positive Living Skills for Children project. You will find that the activities are suitable in all sorts of settings, particularly with children aged 4 to 12. You will find the music that supports the teaching of positive-living skills here.
Child and Youth Health Network for Eastern Ontario
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books is an award winning site for youth by youth. This is a place where you can get info, resources and the tools to help you manage stress, crisis and mental health problems. Share what you live and what you know with your friends.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
MyHealth Magazine
MyHealth Magazine is a health and wellness program delivered through a series of interactive, online resources for young people (, educators (, and college students (
Dr. Darcy Santor
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
National Anti-Drug Strategy
Excellent site avec une richesse d'informations et de matériaux sur les médicaments spécifiques (cannabis, cocaïne, ecstasy, etc), ainsi que des conseils pour les parents sur la façon de se connecter avec leurs enfants et les protéger contre les drogues.
Health Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: , Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
NEDIC website
Information website as well as telephone hotline for information about eating disorders.
National Eating Disorders Information Centre
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
NLD on the Web
NLD on the website is devoted to providing information about Non-Verbal Learning Disorder (NVLD), also called Nonverbal Learning Disability. NVLD is a developmental disability where by individuals tend to be highly verbal, but with severe difficulties with non-verbal communication and skills.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Nuna journal book
Le Nuna Journal Book est créé par des jeunes d'Arviat, au Nunavut, avec MindYourMInd. Le Journal partage la culture inuit, des recettes, des stratégies de bien-être mental, des stratégies d'adaptation, et plus encore.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
O drogue pour moi
Site pour les jeunes avec des informations sur les dangers de la drogue, qui visent à autonomiser les jeunes afin qu'ils puissent prendre des décisions saines.
Santé Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: , Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Obessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Information about OCD from the Mayo Clinic.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Overview
Health information for the whole family for a variety of conditions, including OCD.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD
Information about OCD from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Information about OCD from Wikipedia.
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
OCD information
Website with information about OCD.
International OCD Foundation
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Opioid Information for Patients
Handout for patients with information about opioid medications.
Michael G. DeGroote National Pain Centre
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Guide for Families
Family friendly information about oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Download: odd_resource_center_odd_guide.pdf
Out of the Shadows at Last
Out of the Shadows at Last is a Senate Report on mental health.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Parenting After Separation: A Handbook for Parents
This handbook focuses on the needs of children when parents separate and how you can help meet those needs. Your children need your love and support throughout the separation, which is a difficult time for them. They also need your love and support through the post-separation years, as your family adjusts to a new life.
BC Ministry of Attorney General
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Parenting Guidelines for Families of Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects
Practical, parent-driven guidelines for parenting and caring for children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Parenting Partnership Website
Created by experts in prenatal education, child development and parenting, the Parenting Partnership’s Welcome to Parenting program is designed to give you all the critical information you need to experience pregnancy and parenthood in the most positive way possible - to help you become the parents you dream of being! The program has been rigorously tested and evaluated with expectant and new parents just like you. Leading program designers, researchers and parent educators designed this course to reflect exactly what expectant and new parents need and want to know as they experience pregnancy and parenthood. All class content has been filtered by experts to reflect all current and relevant information and strategies for expectant and new parents!
Parenting Partnership
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Passage à l'enseignement pour les besoins spéciaux
La Passerelle de l’éducation de l’enfance en difficulté, qui vous donne accès à des stratégies et à des ressources efficaces pour enseigner aux élèves ayant des besoins spéciaux dans les écoles élémentaires et secondaires de l’Ontario. Ce site a été développé par la Fédération des enseignantes et des enseignants de l’Ontario (FEO), avec le financement du ministère de l’Éducation de l’Ontario.
Fédération des enseignantes et des ensiegnants de l'Ontario (FEO)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
PREVNet Website
PREVNet is a national network of Canadian researchers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and governments committed to stop bullying. Website has a section on 'Bullying Resources' with practical information for children/youth, parents and professionals.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Numerous resources for parents, as well as for children to help protect children from being victimized by bullying, cyberbullying, and the internet.
Canadian Centre for Children Protection
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office (PPAO)
Le Bureau de l'intervention en faveur des patients des établissements psychiatriques offre des services de représentation aux patients instruits ou non instruits, défend les droits des patients dans des affaires faisant intervenir les établissements et le réseau de la santé provincial et prodigue des conseils et de l'information au public et aux professionnels de la santé par le biais d'allocutions, de rapports et de dépêches sur les droits des patients.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Putting Eating Disorders on the Radar of Primary Care Providers
Produced by the Central West Eating Disorder Program (CWEDP) in Ontario, Canada.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Qu'est-ce que la dépression?
Guide to depression.
Société pour les troubles de l'humeur du Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Qu'est-ce que le trouble bipolaire?
Consumer friendly guide to bipolar disorder.
Société pour les troubles de l'humeur du Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Relations saines chez les jeunes: en ligne
L’organisme mindyourmind et la Croix-Rouge canadienne ont fait équipe avec un groupe de jeunes créatifs afin d’élaborer des outils de sensibilisation sur les médias sociaux dans le cadre du programme Relations saines chez les jeunes d’Éducation au respect.
Croix-Rouge Canadienne
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Resilience Training
Resilience Training is a website from the US Army Medical Department, and has information about resiliency for warriors, leaders, spouses, families and behavioural health providers. Training and information is targeted to all phases of the warrior deployment cycle, warrior life cycle, and warrior support system. Formerly known as Battlemind.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Fondé en 1998, SAFERA est un organisme francophone dont la mission est centrée sur la prévention du syndrome d’alcoolisation fœtale (SAF) et la réponse aux besoins des personnes atteintes. Ressources: site Internet, groupe de soutien pour parents francophones, livre Enfants de l'alcool, affiches, dépliants, DVD, consultations téléphoniques, formations.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Download: livre.jpg
Santé et sécurité psychologiques : Guide de l'employeur
Un nouvel outil permettant de protéger la santé mentale des employés, proposant des mesures accessibles à tous les employeurs canadiens.
Commission de la santé mentale du Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Schizophrenia Society of Canada website
The website of the Schizophrenia Society of Canada offers various resources including: * Resources and links * Links, such as links to videos * Magazines * Articles
Schizophrenia Society of Canada
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: , Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
School-based violence prevention programs: A resource manual
Provides practical research- and expert-based information on school-based programs to prevent interpersonal violence, that are relevant for girls and boys, young women and young men.
University of Calgary
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Selective Mutism Group ~ Childhood Anxiety Network
Do you know a child who can talk freely at home but appears frozen in other settings like at school or out in public? Do you know a child who seems so shy that they take a very long time to warm up in social situations, if at all? Does it seem out of the normal range of shyness you observe in other children? If so, you may know a child with Selective Mutism and you’ve come to the right place. Whether you are a parent of a child with SM, a teacher of a SM student, a therapist with a SM patient or anyone interested in learning more, SMG can help. We are the nation’s premier resource for SM information, providing a network of families and treating professionals across the world who uniquely understand the struggles of SM.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Selective Mutism Information
Webpage with information about Selective Mutism from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Information about self-compassion from Dr. Kristin Neff, expert and researcher on self-compassion.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Self-Injury Outreach and Support (SiOS)
As part of a collaboration between the University of Guelph and McGill University, we are a non-profit outreach initiative providing information and resources about self-injury to those who self-injure, those who have recovered, and those who want to help.
University of Guelph and McGill University
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Sleep and Pain Resources for Children, Parents & Healthcare Providers
Information and resources to help children with pain and/or sleep problems, their parents and healthcare providers. When children and young people have pain and/or cannot sleep, they can have various difficulties * school performance and attendance suffer * making friends can be more difficult * disruptive, aggressive and other negative behaviors are more likely * learning and concentration are harder * depression and misuse of alcohol and drugs is more likely * managing chronic health conditions becomes harder * injuries take longer to heal and illnesses last longer * loneliness, isolation & poor self-esteem are more likely * the whole family is effected by disrupted schedules and they may develop sleep problems themselves.
Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Alberta
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Sleep: A critical but overlooked aspect of dementia management
Website providing information about sleep and dementia from the University of Alberta. Provides reliable, evidence-based information about the relationship between sleep and dementia, and provides help in accessing resources for assessing and managing sleep problems in older adults with dementia. A full report of our review and downloadable patient education brochures on different non-pharmacological sleep interventions is also accessible on the website.
University of Alberta
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
SPD Foundation
The SPD Foundation is an international resource for research, education, and awareness for Sensory Processing Disorder.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Strategies for Teachers of Students with Reactive Attachment Disorder
Information for teachers on how to support a student with reactive attachment disorder (RAD).
Faculty of Education, Brandon University
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that is charged with improving the quality and availability of prevention, treatment, and treatment of substance abuse and mental illness. Website has a great wealth of information as well as downloadable pamphlets.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Substance Use Awareness and Youth Engagement
This is a website for both youth and youth workers. For youth, the website provides information about substance use. For youth workers, the web site is to act as a participant resource for relevant materials that were covered during the Substance Use Awareness and Youth Engagement program to support those who work with youth to engage in conversations about the prevention of illicit substance use.
Institut Canadien de Formation
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Has links to Crisis Centres throughout Canada.
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Talk, Listen, Connect: Deployments, Homecomings, Changes
Sesame Street has various materials to help children of military families cope with issues such as pre-deployment, deployment, homecoming, changes and grief.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource:
Teaching students with mental health disorders
Resource guide developed to help educators access basic information about depression and provide strategies for supporting students suffering from depression
BC Ministry of Education
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
The Sibling Support Project
National, American effort dedicated to the life-long concerns of brothers and sisters of people who have special health, developmental, or mental health concerns.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Travel and Mental Health
Useful guides to mental health for travellers, particularly for those with pre-existing mental health needs. Guides on various topics such as Travel Stress, Depression & Mood Changes, Substance Use, Anxiety and Psychosis.
International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Troubles d'apprentissage
Site web d'information, y compris des vidéos sur les troubles d'apprentissage.
Association canadienne des troubles d'apprentissage
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: , Websites including blogs, support forums
UHN Patient Information Handouts
Handouts on various mental health conditions, available in English and many available in other languages such as Spanish and Chinese.
University Health Network
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Une ressource au sujet des BSO pour les aidants
Cette ressource fournit de l’information utile au sujet des blessures de stress opérationnel (BSO).
Anciens Combattants Canada et le Royal
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
ATTACh is an international coalition of professionals and families dedicated to helping those with attachment difficulties by sharing our knowledge, talents and resources. Website provides information about attachment difficulties.
Association for Treatment and Training in the Attachment of Children
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Une organisation autochtone nationale établie en 2005 par le gouvernement du Canada et financée par l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC), dont la mission est d’aider à améliorer la santé publique et à assurer l’équité en santé pour les Premières Nations, les Inuits et les Métis, par l’application et le partage des connaissances.
Centre de collaboration nationale de la santé autochtone (CCNSA)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
What is Depression?
Information about depression and mood disorders
Public Health Agency of Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
What is Depression?
Excellent video from the Black Dog Institute / World Health Organization describing depression as a black dog...
World Health Organization (WHO)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource:
What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Numerous resources about OCD including Self-Help Home Toolkit and General Self-Help Strategies.
Anxiety BC
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
When Your Brother or Sister Has Psychosis
Fact sheet for those who have a sibling with psychosis.
British Columbia Schizophrenia Society
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
WITS Program for Bullying
The WITS Primary Program is a peer victimization, anti-bullying prevention program that involves families and communities. The acronym refers to four simple conflict resolution strategies: Walk away, Ignore, Talk it out and Seek help.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Providing information about anxiety.
Children's Center for OCD and Anxiety
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
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